Showing 226 - 250 of 267 Results
Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres : Their Origin, Structure, Preparation, Washing, Bleac... by Von Georgievics, Georg, Sal... ISBN: 9781016035019 List Price: $30.95
Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres : Their Origin, Structure, Preparation, Washing, Bleac... by Von Georgievics, Georg, Sal... ISBN: 9781016041829 List Price: $20.95
Technical Testing of Yarns and Textile Fabrics with Reference to Official Specifications by Salter, Charles, Herzfeld, ... ISBN: 9781377877198 List Price: $15.95
Enamels and Enamelling; an Introduction to the Preparation and Application of all Kinds of E... by Charles Salter, Paul Randau ISBN: 9781376732214 List Price: $14.95
The Georgia Rambler: A Potter's Snake, the Real Thing Recipe, a Satilla Adventure and More by Salter, Charles E., Charles... ISBN: 9781540229885 List Price: $29.99
Consolidation and Decline (Classic Reprint) by Salter, Charles Neeld ISBN: 9780267806379 List Price: $28.12
Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics and Their Application; Description of all the M... by Salter, Charles, Charles Sa... ISBN: 9781375963992 List Price: $16.95
The Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres, Their Origin, Structure, Preparation, Washing, Bl... by Salter, Charles Thomas Coll... ISBN: 9781375981347 List Price: $17.95
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles, Salter, Salter Cha... ISBN: 9781376102215 List Price: $11.52
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles, Salter, Salter Cha... ISBN: 9781376116519 List Price: $11.52
Consolidation and decline by Salter, Charles Neeld, Char... ISBN: 9780649379163 List Price: $12.29
The Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres: Their Origin, Structure, Preparation, Washing, Bl... by Georg Von Georgievics, Char... ISBN: 9780342225859 List Price: $27.95
Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics and Their Application; Description of All the M... by Charles Salter, Friedrich P... ISBN: 9780342787357 List Price: $26.95
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles Salter ISBN: 9780343095918 List Price: $14.95
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles Salter ISBN: 9780353135581 List Price: $24.95
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles Salter ISBN: 9780353106581 List Price: $41.95
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles Salter ISBN: 9780353135598 List Price: $41.95
Dyeing Silk, Mixed Silk Fabrics and Artificial Silks by Charles Salter ISBN: 9780353106574 List Price: $24.95
Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres, Their Origin, Structure, Preparation, Washing, Bleach... by Salter, Charles Thomas Coll... ISBN: 9780342830602 List Price: $17.95
Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres, Their Origin, Structure, Preparation, Washing, Bleach... by Salter, Charles Thomas Coll... ISBN: 9780342830619 List Price: $27.95
Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics and Their Application; Description of All the M... by Salter, Charles, Polleyn, F... ISBN: 9780342787340 List Price: $16.95
Technical Mycology: The Utilization of Micro-Organisms in the Arts and Manufactures: A Pract... by Franz Lafar, Charles T C Sa... ISBN: 9781355313458 List Price: $25.95
Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics and Their Application; Description of All the M... by Polleyn Friedrich, Charles ... ISBN: 9781355536000 List Price: $25.95
Casein; Its Preparation and Technical Utilisation by Robert Scherer, Charles Salter ISBN: 9781356441709 List Price: $24.95
Ventilation in Mines by Wabner, Robert, Salter, Cha... ISBN: 9781373156570 List Price: $28.95
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